Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Finally the Source of the High White counts

So things are moving in the right direction as of this morning. Daryl and I really prayed last night that the Lord wouldn't have Daryl leave the hospital until he was feeling well and "acting" well.

As of 9:00a.m. the Surgeon came by to let us know that his high white counts are likely related to the drainage coming from one of the "hook-ups" where they attached his pancreas to the intestines. That drain began having ugly looking stuff come out yesterday! To combat the white count issue and ward off any infection that is present, they are starting Daryl on a very strong IV antibiotic today. It should take care of any pancreatic/surgically-related infection.

So we're hopeful and some of the anxiousness about a too-early release has been relieved. The next day(s) in the hospital we pray will bring continued improvement in how Daryl feels and how his body is healing.

My Dad is heading up Wednesday morning to become primary caregiver - a "changing of the guard" if you will - and I'm planning on being home Thursday evening to resume Mommy duty. It will be hard to leave and I pray that Dad will have the stamina and help he needs to assist Daryl for 5-7 days outside of the hospital.

I'm believing that your prayers have carried us to this point, and know that they will continue to pray Daryl back to complete healing and wholeness. Thank you!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Cautiously Optimistic

Some good news, yet still we're "treading lightly." Daryl's CT scan yesterday showed NO blood clot on his lungs - very good news!

Daryl's white blood cell count remains high, but hasn't gone higher. They continue to take blood samples, samples from his three drains, etc. to check for infection and/or the cause of his high white count. They don't want to use any antibiotics until they know what they are dealing with/trying to treat.

One HUGE praise report is that Daryl has gone 24 hours with NO sweats/chills. Thank you for praying about that!

Daryl's Sunday was much better than Saturday. He showered for the 1st time, walked a little more and enjoyed some great company with my brother. He finally "hit a wall" around 4pm and was done for the day, but that was great compared with Saturday.

Last night he had a lot of pain associated with the fluid around his lungs. Sharp-shooting pain as he tried to breathe. So today they will give him more lasix to work on the fluid and he'll use pain meds to help control the pain, yet doesn't want to use so much that he feels "out of it".

Today is more testing, and one of his three drains may be removed, and hopefully more walking which maybe will increase his appetite.

Daryl wants you know how grateful he is for standing with us in prayer, for the emails and cards, etc. We know that yesterday's progress and the abatement of the sweats/chills is the Lord's grace and answer to your prayers. Daryl truly has been blessed to experience "community" during this time.

Our parents have provided invaluable help with Little Miss "C". We're told that she goes to the backyard window often and points to the shed Daryl built last year and says, "Daddy's house." Guess she thinks that Daryl is out there....

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Something is Wrong

Hi Friends. Please keep praying - I've been up half the night and I've pleaded with the Lord that someone around here would have insight and wisdom into what is going on with Daryl.

Surgically, as far as his pain and healing, he seems to be doing well. However for four or more days now he continues to struggle with shortness of breath, weak spells, periods of profuse sweating & shivering (but no fever) and - at night - bad dreams that interrupt his sleep. These things keep him from doing the very things that will speed his healing - walking and eating.

His white blood cell count continues to rise, which would indicate infection or a PE (pulmonary embolysm). Last night they put him back on oxygen because his levels were low and he remained short of breath even just lying in bed. Another dose of lasix yesterday did help a little, but his numbers appear to be worse.

He's off now for a CT scan with contrast - more detailed, I guess, than yesterday's scan. Also doing blood work and a urine culture (even though the order for the culture was somehow missed...please pray for expedition of this, as miscommunication has happened before and often causes 1/2 day delays or more).

Friends, I'm really discouraged as is Daryl. If it weren't for this unexplained shortness of breath and lethargy he'd feel so much better. It seems that nobody has an answer for it....and every day that passes without an answer delays his recovery and his return home. Very discouraging, and all I know to do is to plead with the Lord to reveal the causes of this and break through them for us. We just don't know what else to suggest/do/ask for.

Thank you so much -

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Washin' Up

It's hard to believe that it's been just over a week since surgery! Many of you know from experiece what I'm learning - that life in the hospital is lived hour-by-hour, medication dose by medication dose, vital sign by vital sign....and then suddenly you look up and the day has passed.

Daryl achieved a few milestones today. His IV fluids were stopped, his PCA (pain med) pump was removed and he got "washed up" thanks to a persistent CA who pushed a bit and made it happen. Even got a few laughs out of the process, and laughter is good!

The Surgeon sent Daryl for a chest & abdomen CT scan today just to be sure nothing is going on undetected. Daryl's white count remains higher than normal, which could indicate infection. Could also be some pneumonia because he is very short of breath. So hopefully the results will give the right explanation so that the problem can be nipped in the bud.

Daryl's father & Carolyn headed back to GA this morning - I couldn't have done this week without them. Tomorrow my brother is headed up...he graciously volunteered this morning to help bridge the gap before my Dad comes.

Thanks for your comments and emails....they really are the highlight of my days!! As Daryl stays more awake I'll have him surf through them for himself.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Daryl's tumor pathology came back. BENIGN! The lymph nodes were also free from tumor/cancer, so no chemo or further treatment should be necessary. Praise the Lord!

A lung xray did confirm that Daryl has fluid on his lungs. Somebody "dropped the ball" last night and he never got a 2nd dose of lasix (which helps take the fluid out of his body), so he had a rough night. But this morning we KNOW he has orders for 2 doses - he just got one and it's started working almost immediately.

Daryl is still very weak and not motivated much to get out of bed and walk or eat. I'm hoping that the good news about the tumor will be motivation for him, but also know that much of how he's feeling is related to carrying around the extra fluid.

The surgeon did say that this fluid issue has definitely delayed the expected recovery period, so I'm not sure how many more hospital days he has left. Could be another week. Please pray for wisdom as I make some decisions about how to handle the next week if he is still at the hospital. I'm debating having Caroline brought up here for a few days, but not sure that would be in any of our best interests (even though it's in my "heart's" interest!!!). My Dad is planning on coming so I can go home, but I think it's too much for one person to be at the hospital 24/7. I really need to stay. Decisions....

Thanks again for praying!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Daryl Asked Me To Tell You...

Daryl wanted me to give this message to you:

"As much as I'd like to report progress again, this has been my roughest day yet. Some have left voicemails and emails for me....please forgive me for not responding yet. I've been too short of breath and fatigued to carry on a conversation for any length of time. (I know you understand...) Apparently I've had a bit of a setback, but am assured that I'll get through this."


He's really not felt well today - sweats, lethargy, sleepiness, etc. While his surgical team isn't overly concerned, one of them has really listened to Daryl's concerns and is evaluating his lungs with x-ray and blood workups just to be sure they're not missing anything. Another one of the Surgeon's colleagues gave Daryl a much-needed pep talk this afternoon.

It's been an emotionally draining day for me. Guess I got a bit discouraged by Daryl's discouragement (well, not to mention pregnancy hormones, lack of sleep, etc.).

No pathology results today - and to be honest, I'm thankful. One thing at a time.

Looking forward to the "turn-around" that all the RNs and physicians say will come. Thanks for your encouraging words posted here and to our emails. Always good to be reminded that you're in this with us.

Good night from Baltimore, where the rain comes down just like it's doing there. God Bless You!

Climbing Up a Mountain of Sand

I told a friend last night that recovery seems like 2 steps forward, 1 step back...kind of like climbing a mountain of sand. This morning it feels like we're closer the bottom of the mountain than the top. Nothing majorly bad has happened, really. It's just that nothing majorly good is happening either.

Daryl perked up yesterday afternoon and took a 6-lap walk around the Unit and felt like he was making progress. His friend (and one of our Pastors) Terry flew up and surprised Daryl with an overnight visit. What a blessing it was, even though I'm sure Daryl was frustrated at not feeling like interacting more while Terry was here.

This morning we're in a different place. Daryl is really tired - he describes it as a "malaise" - general body weakness, lethargy, discomfort. He's worried that something is going wrong, even though the Drs and staff think he's doing OK. I think Daryl feels like he's "failing" them in some way by not being far enough along or acting like a weakling. I don't get this sense at all, but I'm sure if it were me in the bed I might just feel the same.

So please continue to pray for God's Grace and Mercy to flood into Daryl, and for internal/whole-body healing. Pray for energy to get up and move around, and for wisdom to know when "enough is enough" so he doesn't overdo it.

Maybe it's the overcast and rainy day that is making it feel overcast and rainy within this room right now. Anyway, thanks for lifting us up. I'll update later -

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Two Sleeping Mr. Abneys - What a Sight!

I wish I could post a photo, but I've been told "no photos" are allowed right now. I'm sitting here on the computer checking out email, blogs, etc. and across the room Father and Son sit reclined in their respective chairs, mouths open, slight snores, sleeping like babies. It's hysterical!

Daryl had a good/challenging morning. He weighed in about 30 lbs beyond what is "normal" for him - so he's packing all that extra fluid weight which he has to carry around with him. Despite this, he took 2 laps around the Unit around 8:30 this morning. Then he decided to get bathed, brush his teeth and shave. He looks good, he smells better....and he's EXHAUSTED. Tried one more stroll around the Unit and barely had the energy. We'll see what this afternoon holds.

He has been OK'd for a clear liquid diet, so had his 1st sips of Apple Juice earlier. Some cramps came on later, so we're holding off on more for now (not to mention he's asleep anyway).

More later - slowly but surely this too shall pass.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Daryl's First Post to You

Daryl asked me to dictate this to you (my comments in parethesis):

"I'm sorry for being so quiet, but right now it hurts to laugh or cry. Everything hurts. It's getting better but very slowly. Thank God for this little PCA pump in my hand (pain meds)! I've been able to get out of bed for the 1st time today to really walk, but it still requires help from 2 nurses to get me out of bed. I feel like a 90-year-old walking around the hallways, all slumped over and shuffling along. And it's hard to shuffle with 10+ liters of extra fluid on your body. But I did manage 6 laps around my Unit today (his goal was 3)."

"I'll attempt to put my own words on this Blog as I feel better. Just know that Wendy reads me your comments and email. Thank you for your encouragement, prayers and kind words."
Daryl is worn out from all of the walking today, but that is good! His Dad got here today - he and Carolyn were able to relieve me and stay here this afternoon as I went back to the hotel to nap and shower. I'll be here again tonight with him. I

f you are praying and want a specific thing to pray, can you pray AGAINST several things?
  • 1st - discouragement about what appears to be slow progress, even though the Surgeon is pleased with it.
  • 2nd - pray against nausea/vomiting - pray that his GI system will receive the clear liquids well as he progresses into that stage of recovery.
  • 3rd - Little Miss "C" threw up this morning but seems to be doing better - pray against illness for her, please!

Thank you! We'll post again tomorrow.

Monday, March 23, 2009

No More Bells & Whistles

Good News! At 1:00 today Daryl was stable enough to be moved out of ICU to a private room. He's really happy about it, too. No more constant monitor alarms, people in-and-out of the room, etc. The prospect of getting more than one hour of uninterruped sleep is closer to becoming reality.

With this transition he was "disconnected" from his heart monitors, one IV that measured his blood pressure constantly, oxygen and the NG tube that drained his stomach. Much more comfortable....

He's still retaining fluids, so is still somewhat uncomfortable with the extra weight. But that should start to come off during the next 24-48 hours. He also has a good knot in his shoulder muscle which needs to be worked/relaxed out. But other than that he's not feeling much pain from his abdomen (he's still on pain meds) which has always been my concern.

Daryl took a good walk (assisted) around the ICU unit last night and is expected to do the same on his new floor today. All in all he's moving in the right direction - and we're thankful!

Please pray for his shoulder muscle to relax, for his fluids to start dissipating and for MY peace of mind as we are less "attended-to" tonight. I'll be staying with him overnight and am a little anxious about everything going well. Thank you so much....really. I can't tell you how much it means to me knowing that so many of you are concerned, praying and standing together with us even though we're far away.

Little Miss "C" is having a super time being spoiled by her Grandparents. Mommy, on the other hand, is missing her a lot!

Gotta get packed and back to Johns Hopkins for the evening. Daryl's Dad and his wife Carolyn are on their way to Baltimore today to keep us company until the weekend. Until tomorrow...

Sunday, March 22, 2009


A quiet Sunday afternoon in the ICU and I'm thankful! Daryl has had 1-2 hours of solid, uninterrupted sleep this afternoon (probably the 1st extended sleep since surgery). He got up just after Noon today and was walked around the ICU unit. I think he did a fantastic job! He is still not getting rid of the fluids as they'd prefer him to, but his blood pressure remains OK so they're watching him. We'll remain in ICU tonight and I'm glad, because the level of care is much more detailed and well-monitored.

Margaret & Woody (Daryl's Mom & Step-Dad) left after lunch to start the two-day drive home.

Thank you, those who have been leaving comments and/or emailing Daryl. So far he hasn't stayed "awake" long enough for me to read them to him, but I intend to. In the meantime I tell him who has called and/or written to check up on him.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

ICU Night #2

Daryl's pain is much better this evening - they gave him a different kind of medication which seems to work better. His body is sending lots of fluids to his belly to "fix" it, and because of that he has needed more IV fluids to keep his blood pressure elevated. So he's staying in ICU tonight with hopes of getting to a regular floor sometime tomorrow.

If you'd like to send Daryl a card while he's here, please send it to our hotel and I'll deliver them. That way when he's discharged yet still in Baltimore for a week or so, he can still receive the mail.

Homewood Suites
625 S. President Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
Attn: Daryl Abney - Room 651

Will post an update tomorrow - goodnight!

From Bed to Chair at 5:30am

Now I'm an 8-hour per night kind of gal when it comes to sleep. Last night was a 4-hour night, so if I doze off...z...z...z...z... I woke up extra early to come in for Daryl's required steps out of the ICU bed at 5:30 this morning.

Friends, let me tell you, his pain last night after surgery was intense. Just trying to breathe was a challenge, but he was such a trooper. This Whipple surgery is VERY invasive. The Surgeons poked, prodded and cut the pancreas, liver, stomach, lymph nodes, gall bladder and more. His lower ribs were spread for 6+ hours along with his whole belly. He has an 8 in or so incision straight down the middle of his belly. Makes a c-section look like simple headache....I'm proud of him for how he's handling it all.

Anyway, this morning his pain is much better and we are so thankful to the Lord for His favor in providing an excellent ICU nurse overnight. She was meticulous, a great "explainer" and also good at pushing him a little bit. She moved him into a reclining chair, where he'll be required to stay today until (a) he is moved to a regular floor, or (b) around 3:30pm.

Still trying to make him comfortable enough to relax his muscles, which may require more or different pain meds.

If you're standing with us in prayer, I'd ask that you pray for him to relax and that the "pressure"/pain he is experiencing would be properly treated so he CAN relax. Pray also against the nausea that he's experiencing, which he hates worse than the pain.

The Surgeons feel he is doing really well overall - thank you for being "here" with us in thoughts and prayers. Daryl's parents are headed up so I can go back to my hotel for a late-morning nap. Will update later today. God Bless you.

Friday, March 20, 2009

It is Finished

The Surgeon just spoke with us - Daryl should be in ICU in about an hour. Surgery went well. The tumor was about 2cm and well contained. Daryl lost about 3% of his stomach because of the way his blood vessels were configured - Surgeon thought he would do better to remove part. The lymph nodes nearby were enlarged, so they were removed...although the Surgeon didn't feel any tumors in them (we'll wait for pathology to confirm that). Praise God the Portal Vein wasn't impacted, so it remained intact. And he didn't need any blood transfusion - another praise!

Daryl will be in ICU tonight and tomorrow. Haven't seen him yet, but he'll have three drainage tubes coming out of his stomach area. He'll also have tube down his nose and probably 3 IVs. He's got a slow recovery ahead of him and probably a lot of pain for the next few days.

Will update later this evening if there's any more to share. Thank you for praying us through surgery!

6 Hours and Counting

We're still waiting. Daryl's surgery began a 8:15...our hourly "updates" tell us that he's doing fine. Should be soon when he's finished and then it will probably be two hours before he's settled enough in ICU and able to receive visitors. Long day....

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Prep Day

Daryl wants you to know that "bowel prep" stinks! And for those of you who know him well, I've spotted at least 2 new Johns Hopkins ball caps in our hotel room already.

Daryl learned more yesterday at his pre-op consultation about what to expect after surgery. His expected hospital stay is 10 days. The pathology results of the tumor and surrounding lymph nodes may take a few days, so we don't expect an immediate answer about whether the tumor is benign.

After he's taken to surgery, we probably won't even see Daryl tomorrow until at least 3:30 pm. so look for an update later Friday evening. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your prayers and thoughts!!!! God Bless.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How's Daryl Doing?

So many are asking me, "How's Daryl doing?" this week ...thank you for all of your concerns and continuing thoughts and prayers!

Daryl is working, feeling good and looks just as healthy as can be! We're in a holding pattern right now with another two weeks of waiting. He's working a lot of days before he leaves trying to preserve some time off for when the Baby comes in July.

Right now we're planning for Daryl to leave for Baltimore on Tuesday the 17th. He has pre-op bloodwork at Hopkins on the 18th and must get "prepared" for surgery on the 19th with an all-liquid diet. I'll join him on the 19th and help him with final preparations, then we'll head to Johns Hopkins for surgery check-in at 5:30 a.m. the morning of the 20th.

Right now we're tying up loose ends here at home, trying to clean up the house before the Grandparents have to come live in it for a while, etc. Thankfully Little Miss "C" has gotten over her Strep, so now it's just the cough and runny nose we need to clear up. She's a funny one - we'll miss her a lot while we're gone!