Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Day in the Life

Not much happening here except for "daily" life....Mom's of little ones know what I mean!!

Ben is almost 8 weeks old now and we love it when he smiles! He is stretching his nighttime sleep to 5-6 hours most nights - I am sooooo hopeful for 7-8 hours sometime soon!! Am not usually a coffee drinker, but lately caffeine has become my friend for sure! Ben still has reflux issues and is now on Prevacid to make him more comfortable. I'm told it will likely be 6-7 months before it's resolved totally, since he'll be able to sit up by that time. We moved Ben to his own room about a week ago - YEY! He follows Little Miss "C" around with his eyes and she hugs on him a lot. His favorite time of the evening seems to be his bath - smiles, coos and lots of fun moving his arms and legs freely.

Little Miss "C" never ceases to amaze....and We're working on her colors and identifying shapes and numbers. Lots of times I think she's teasing me when we play "games" with her flashcards and she purposely points out the wrong things. Here are some funny stories from the past week:
  • Getting out of the bathtub one night when Ben was screaming/crying in his crib: "Calm Down, Ben" (she said very slowly...). What???? She repeated several times, "Calm Down!" It was hysterical how she said it....and where did she pick that one up? Her Daddy later owned up to it!
  • She'll do something, move something, put a toy in a certain place, etc. and ask, "That better?"
  • She walks around "talking" to her cousins or her grandparents on the play telephone. Her conversations get more detailed the older she gets, and usually include a report about what Ben is doing at the time. "Hi....yep....Ben sleeping....ok....bye"
  • The terrible two's habit of saying "no" to Mommy has started - not fun!
  • She loves taking her vitamin ("medicine") each day and wants to take 2-3...not one.
  • I figured out that she has the Barney Goes to the Farm video practically memorized

Many Moms probably have a photo like the one below - so typical of the "staying at home" life. Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwich, sippy cup of milk, "Baby" (which she sleeps with) and a child who has fallen asleep while eating lunch!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Time Flies

What a busy few weeks!! Baby Ben will be 6 weeks old on Tuesday and we're finally seeing a few smiles out of the boy! He's weighing in around 10.5 pounds now and is more alert to what is going on around him. He's lost some of his hair - which is so different from our experience with Little Miss "C"'s full head of hair from Day 1....and his eyes are still very blue.

Little Miss "C" turned 2 today (Aug. 9th) and we had a family birthday party for her yesterday. She has turned into quite a chatterbox and a singer. She walks around the house and lies in in her bed singing "Happy Birthday to You", "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", "ABC's" and "Jesus Loves the Little Children"....among others. Our parents say that she knows where everything is in the house, and she'll point out if something is missing or moved. Many times now she doesn't want her hand held as she tries walking down the stairs (but Mommy insists on standing beside her even if she won't hold my hand!) and she has to "do" everything on her own. She loves seeing her grandparents and especially going to the pool when they visit. Mommy is very happy that she loves her little brother and doesn't seem to be too jealous over him - although sharing "her" things has been a challenge. For example, I can't put any of her old bibs on him without a fight! Anyway, enjoy the birthday pics...

Her cousins came to celebrate with us!

Finally, Mommy gets in a picture!