Monday, March 22, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Latest and Greatest

Poor little guy is cutting all 4 of his top front teeth at the same time! We actually see two of them, now... He's starting to say, "da, da, da, da...." a lot and is working on his "ma, ma...". Still won't get off his tushie to try and crawl yet!

Got our "Big Sister" and "Little Brother" shirts on today for a photo's the best that I could do!!!

I obviously don't feed my kids enough....

Have a great weekend!Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Oh Poo!!

I love my son! He loves to laugh, smile, play and we have a great grunting game that we play. This week, though, he's giving me an unintentional run for my money. Here's what I found when I pulled him from his crib a few minutes ago, after a wonderfully long morning nap during which I enjoyed baking cookies with Little Miss "C":

That's NOT chocolate pudding....and it wasn't only on his sheet. He got wiped from head to toe, although fingernail beds are a bit harder to clean. Don't tell his grandma's that some was also on his chin (his fingers are ALWAYS in his mouth)....YUCK.

Now I know that these kinds of things are an expected part of babyhood. But this is probably our third or fourth "incident" this week of escaping the diaper. I've lost count of the laundry loads that have been run on his behalf since Sunday...and it's only Wednesday!

Is it a boy thing? Only once do I remember my daughter having such an unruly poo!

To give my little guy credit, he's teething AND on antibiotic to fight off a sinus infection - and the Dr. warned that loose poo might be a side effect. So I'll give him grace....and continue doing laundry with love.

Thanks, Mom!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Snow Day! It started around 9am and snowed non-stop until 1pm...yet it was such a wet snow that much of it melted and we ended up with about an inch on the ground. Daddy was finally able to play, too, so Mr. Snowman was created just before the sun went down!