Saturday, December 29, 2012


I'm wallowing around getting nothing done fast in a post-Christmas stupor.  Enjoy the photos -
 Barbie Jeep....score!
 The Dr. is In...I think...
Merry Christmas, Ya'll

Saturday, December 22, 2012

A Long Winter's Nap

The other day my mother and I were in the back seat of the van, the kids with us, and Daddy driving.  Mom was reading The Night Before Christmas to the kids while we were waiting for Daddy.  When she got to the line, "And we all settled down for a long winter's nap," I literally broke out laughing.  Oh how wonderfully unrealistic that sounds!!!  I'm exhausted...yet with two little people in the house hyped up about Christmas it's hard to take a break (or my "break" is shopping...).

Last night was the kids 1st Camp Out by the Christmas Tree night.  I think they finally bit the dust around 10pm....Little Miss "C" first, followed by her brother who we found snoozing sprawled sideways between both of their pallets.  Yesterday was also our day to make and decorate Christmas cookies, as well as do some last minute shopping.
Today we joined Daddy's family for our Annual Christmas get-together.  Last year we combined this with Grandpa's big birthday celebration by renting a cabin in North GA.  This year we stayed closer to home and had a nice covered dish.  They're big GA Fans, hence the Georgia wear vs. Christmas attire.

The kiddos got some gifts...we are Spiderman  & Barbie happy this evening.  I keep getting pelted with Spidey's webs....

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A New Name

Today was Reindeer Day at Preschool...see the picture below.

Also, my little boy's teacher sent a note home from school today.  It reads,
Dear Wendy,

Did you know you no longer have a boy named Ben?  ;-)  He would like to be called "Jack"!  He is insisting on changing it, so I will try to!

Yes, he's been reminding me very often as of late to call him Jack.  Have NO idea where he got that idea, but it's hysterical!
In the meantime, Little Miss "C" had her class over to play and make gingerbread men today. There were 3 other girls and 1 boy, plus siblings.  About 15 minutes after all of the girls had arrived I went upstairs to see if they were ready to make the gingerbread cookies.  When I entered the room, I found that several girls had changed into one of my daughter's summer dresses, hence the photo below taken on a 50 degree day in a sleeveless sundress!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Candy Cane Lane

Little Miss "C" had her on-stage debut at the Christmas Dance Recital last night.  No video yet (sorry, Gran) but here are a few pics of the doll baby in her big girl makeup!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

24 Days and COUNTING....I mean, COUNTING!!!

First of all, where did November go?

We've started our official countdown towards Christmas!  We open a "door" each day, revealing an item to remind us of a Biblical passage that shows Jesus' ministry and love - and also to reveal a treat or activity for that day.  This morning we learned about Jesus' first miracle - changing water to wine - and had a grape inside our door to introduce that story!

Last week the Christmas Tree on the Square was lit, and Santa himself arrived riding an old Fire Engine!  Since the line to see Santa was SO long that evening, we went back today and waited a mere hour to see the  jolly fellow!  Here are a few photos of our activities as of late:
The night of the tree lighting
 Sitting on Santa's Lap
 Any chance for a photo op for this girlie!

 And every other day around our house, you're sure to run into Spiderman or a Princess, and maybe even random animals and tall towers.  It's anyone's guess!!