Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ben's Turn

Bennie, Ben, Ben....that's what we say around here!  My little guy isn't so little anymore and it's taken me until almost 14 months of age to get some 1 year photos online...sorry kiddo.  Second child and all...
Proud Little Man
Definitely a Mama's boy!
LUVS his Binkie, too!

Here's some of the latest things going on in his world:

*Still scooting around instead of walking, but will walk if his hands are held.
*Crawling up the stairs and learning to come down backwards (with my standing guard of course,  Grandma's)!  He's thrilled with himself.
*Finally getting that pesky 4th front bottom tooth!
*Drinking mostly from a sippy cup now, with a bottle at bedtime.
*Riding your riding toys around the house - learned how to go forwards this week!  Most fun is banging into objects over and over.
*Still fascinated with wheels and cars.
*Says "car", "whee", "No", "Ba" (bottle), "Bi" (Binkie), "roun, roun" (round & round).  Talks all the his own language!
*Climbing and going down the little slide in our basement into the ball pit.
*Climbing onto/sitting on the large play table - actually, climbing or sitting on anything he can (books, toys, games...)
*Really good at playing by himself most of the time
*VERY bad separation anxiety with Mommy for a few weeks now! 
*"Chasing" his big Sis around the house with high-pitched screaming ("girl screams") from both of them. least they're not hurting each other!
*BAD temper when you don't get your way...we've got to work on that.

Wonderful days - they'll be gone too quickly!  Love you Baby Boy.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

Three years ago today Little Miss "C" was welcomed into our family.  She was knit together by our Father's hands and all of her days have been ordained by Him even before one of them came to be.  We are honored to be given the opportunity to spend each day with her.
You are loved, baby girl.  Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Little Miss Independent

Little Miss "C" had a swimming lesson this morning at our community pool, which is a quarter mile or so from our home.  As we were getting in the car, she decided getting in wasn't an option for her.  So I pulled the 'ole reverse psychology and told her, "Okay. Then don't get in.  Do you want to walk home?" 

"YES!" she said.  Of course. As I backed out of the parking space she was smiling and waving, "goodbye Mom!" 

I drove about 10 feet ahead of her and kept my eye on her behind me, on the side of the street (with many prompts from my car window), and that little darling walked all the way back to our house....happily.  A concerned neighbor even asked her if she was lost, not knowing I was in the car piddling down our street (glad to see we have some observant neighbors!), so I had to explain what was going on.

Should have known....she pulled the same thing back in July or August and wanted to walk home from the neighborhood next door.

My Dad reminded me that she "gets it honest."  When he was a boy he was telling my grandmother how much he loved his friend's house.  She finally told him that if he loved it so much, maybe he should live there.  So he packed up his things and walked down the street.  Funny.

One more funny (Gran, hope you enjoy reading this!) that happend last night when a teacher friend of mine was visiting with us.  She was trying to find a game to play with Little Miss "C" and asked, "do you have Go Fish?"  To which Little Miss "C" replied, "Yes, we have chocolate goldfish and cracker goldfish."

Ben, you're next buddy.  Mommy will share some of your 1 year photos that we finally had done - right before the HFM (more to come).