Friday, May 18, 2012

Oh Me, Oh My...Spring has flown by!

Today we officially start our summer break!  Little Miss "C" graduated from K4 and little brother had his last day of Mother's Morning Out.  We've been keeping busy, of course.  Here are a few pics of the Spring fun:
Donuts with Dads Morning 
 Getting over being sick in March  :-(
 Calling turkey with Daddy
 Playing at Nana & Papa's beach
 Soaking up some Sun in the mountains
 Hunting for Easter Eggs with friends
 More Easter Eggs
 Going to church on Easter 
 "Getting Married" (or so I was told!)
 Digging in the dirt
 Being WAY to silly!

 Using panties as a hat (this is a trend...)
 Riding a balance bike in heels
 Camping out for the 1st time with Daddy

 The last days of school
 Being bell "zombies" named Sunshine & Banana

We've aquired our own garden for summer, so we're learning how to grow things!  Mommy is trying to plan a summer balanced with quiet at-home time and fun adventures.  We'll be doing a few swim lessons, continuing violin, and playing outdoors a lot (I hope).  Mommy & Little Miss "C" are going to do home school next year, so I will be figuring out what that is going to look like.   Ahhh...the LAZY (really?) days of summer.