Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fun Days

This is what happens when my daughter has to play alone in her room for a while...she finds a reason to come out. She not only dresses up now, but she bows and sways and kind of moves in slow motion to "act" like a princess. I'm not quite sure what the cat mask is all about, but it HAD to be around her neck!

We had some HOT days early in May, so we broke out the sprinkler and a new water/sand table that I scored for $2 at a garage sale to have some fun in the sun. Little Miss "C" got mad about I took a picture of her mad face:

Mother's Day Tea at the beginning of May was very sweet. The children brought us into the room one at a time, sat us down and asked us, "Would you like Water or Lemonade?" They were so proud to be serving us and have us at school!

Last Friday was our 1st official day of "summer" (no school), so we went with friends to Canton to visit Farmer Sue at the Art Barn. The kids got to touch and pet goats, sheep, a cow, donkeys, a horse, chickens, pigs...and go on a ride behind the tractor. Here are a few photos of our morning.

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

"Things I Should Be Doing" Have Won

How do I catch up on...what???...almost 4 months of life?   The "things I should be doing right now" has been winning the blogging war, and rightfully so.  We are, indeed, still on the face of the earth.  And so that I can free myself up to enjoy the next thirty minutes, here's what I really should be doing right now:
  1. Cleaning my closet, including putting ALL of my winter things away
  2. Entering 5 months of receipts into Quicken
  3. Writing down my recipe plan and shopping list for the upcoming week
  4. Going through the kids clothes and packing them away appropriately
  5. Cleaning my floors (My mom was here this weekend and said, "One way to tell how clean the floors are is to look at your socks."  She should have said, "one way to tell how dirty your floors are - my socks aren't white anymore!"
  6. Enjoying doing NOTHING on Mother's Day...... for the photos and stuff we've been up to.

 Coordinating in Brown!  Ben was fighting a cold & ear infection part of the month. 
 Little Miss "C" went ice skating for the first time and did pretty well, I thought!

Ben tried finger painting for the 1st time  :-)

Little Miss "C" enjoyed her 1st circus with friends in Atlanta. These are the guys who ride the motorcycles in the round cage. Unbelievable...
Wearing Mom's old (VERY old) Mickey Mouse Shirt!

Daddy spent all of his spare time studying for his Boards, which he passed at the end of the month!  Then it was turkey season, so he hit the woods.  We were able to get outside a lot more - YEY!

This is pretty much what Ben plays with 90% of the time - anything with wheels. We've got more cars in our house than I ever dreamed we'd have!
Just like Daddy riding his 4-wheeler in the street.

With April came spring break, a trip to Papa & Nana's house, a few days for Little Miss "C" with Grandpa & Grandma, a family trip to Stone Mountain and Easter.  Busy month....
Goofing off at Papa & Nana's House

Stone Mountain 