A few weeks ago I got the kids dressed in their scrubs as a surprise for Daddy. Medical school, here we come!

Little Miss "C" got down to business with her two Doctor kits.

Removing something suspicious from brother's ear. Hmmm....

Here are a few funny stories from the last week.
- If you know my father, you know he loves to sing. Just say any word and he'll find a song to go with it. Well, looks like his genes got passed on to my daughter. The other day I was explaining that after nap Little Miss "C" would be visiting with her friends, whose last name is Bush. After my explanation, we got ready for bed and she asked for a song. What song? "A BUSHel and a Peck, Mommy." I couldn't believe it...go figure. My Dad, of course, is thrilled!
- She gets it honest from me, but I've got a back-seat driver on my hands at 2-1/2! I was traveling down a busy road the other day and traffic would occasionally slow down and then speed back up again. Three different times down that road when I slowed down, Little Miss "C" questions from the back seat, "Whatcha doing, Mommy?" Like...why are you slowing down? Why aren't we moving? Can't you DRIVE????!!!!!
- Cootie is, in my opinion, not a really fun game to play. And the way Cooties pieces are made these days....they won't stay put together! Our Cooties always fall apart. But today we discovered that it IS fun to play with your put-together Cooties and take them on picnics at the beach, out to eat, etc. Especially when they're talking with each other and in the middle of the conversation one of them loses his head...or his eyes fall out. Little Miss "C" was in stitches! Just another day in the life.
And we are blessed.