Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Last week we took off on our 1st long road trip!  Nana, Papa, Mommy, Little Miss "C" and Ben braved the open road for 7 days to visit family in Louisville, KY and friends in Mansfield, OH. 

We ate frozen custard on the way....OH YUM!
We sat on an awesome back porch swing...
and looked out at the pond of a 5 acre farm every day.
We drifted on a Tom Sawyer raft...
and got up close with Alpacas down the street.
We rode a gorgeous carousel...
and ate the most delicious (and nutritious) food thanks to our gracious hostess and host!
Let me just tell you that low temperatures and humidity made it THAT much better!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

For You, Gran!

We are pleased to send this fine Happy Birthday with to our Gran today.  Much love to you!
Also thought you might like to see these photos from our visit "down South" a few weeks ago:
Ben's Haircut
Little Miss "C" and her Birthday Hat
Ben wearing his Birthday cupcake
Watching cartoons in bed so we don't wake Pop & Gran
Is she cool?
Riding in his big truck and loving it!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hey Pop - Happy Birthday!

In true Abney fashion, we are continuing our Summer Birthday series. This one goes out to Pop Abney in south Georgia. We're glad we got to celebrate with you a few weeks ago and wish you a wonderful day!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mom's Turn

So I've snapped a few photos lately that every Mom can relate to. It's all about trying to keep your house in order - only to be quietly thwarted by little ones who mean absolutely no harm.

First, while I was cleaning and cleaning the kitchen & house getting ready for Ben's birthday party Little Miss "C" wanted to make a birthday "place" for everyone to eat their cake. So one by one my cloth napkins were laid down the hall, each accompanied by a plate and a spoon!

Later, I was trying to unload the dishwasher....and so was Ben.

Then the other day Little Miss "C" thought the pantry was the wrong place to keep milk boxes, so she conveniently placed them on the playroom shelves.

Oh the joys.....yet the two photos below are truly joys! A beautiful daughter and her proud face riding her "big girl bike" on the street.

More to come soon....still have to post photos from Gran & Pop's house!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy Birthday to My Daddy

(If anyone out there can enlighten me on how to get the video upright, I welcome the comment!)