Oh Me, Oh My! Where does the time go???
When our story last ended Little Miss "C" had started her new school! Now we're 7 weeks in and she's doing great, although I do hate to have to wake her up and hurry her along on the mornings that she goes. 4-year-olds just won't be hurried!!! They've far more important things to do like wear buckets on their heads!!
Mr. B started Mother's Morning Out at the end of August. I was shocked and proud that he entered his first day of class like he'd been doing it forever! But don't you know that little boy ended up with a cold a day later! Due to his cold and our beach vacation, he basically missed his firs two weeks of school! He had fun at home, though, playing in the empty storage bin. :-) No....I didn't put the lid on.
Ahhhhh....the beach. We waited until most folks were in school and took our family to the Gulf Coast for the first time (I hadn't been there in 9 or 10 years!) We rented a cute little cottage across the street from the beach and enjoyed finding seashells and walking on the beach. Nobody swam in the ocean for some reason....it didn't help that the 1st day we went to the beach our neighbors pointed out a small shark swimming along the shore! We met a nice family from Arkansas with four children ages 5 and under, so the kids had friends to play with on the beach and we had a few good conversations about our faith and family because they pastor a church.
Kids trying to smile as they got bitten by flies while Mom tried to get the perfect picture!!!
Look at me, Mom! (His favorite phrase
All this boy needs are a few cars or trucks and he's a happy guy.
The week after September 11th we visited the flag field at Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield. 3000 flags - this was my second time seeing the famous"field of flags."
I can't possibly remember all the stuff that we've been through and experienced the past two months, but can tell you that Ben is talking up a storm and wants to copy everything he sees his sister doing and hears his sister saying! He's so good at playing by himself with his cars mostly. He LOVES being outside and especially jumping in puddles. He's very into "bumpies" (i.e. speed bumps/humps) these days. He just HAS to run over the bumpies in any parking lot where we happen to be, and will stop and watch cars go over the bumpies. More interestingly, at home he'll open books and lay them down so that the book spine makes a "bumpy", then drive a car or truck over them. He's also into Monsters - being a monster, playing like there is a monster, asking "where are the monters", etc.
Little Miss "C" is becoming quite a drama queen. She just can't stand to be by herself and just has to have a friend to play with. The other day, there was only ONE chair in our den that she could possibly sit in - she had a complaint about every other chair in the room. She still loves doing "projects" that involve glue, scissors, paper, paint, etc. I'm trying to find an inexpensive and small desk to put in her room so she can set up a "project station" in there that little brother can't get his hands into. She's quite a little mother hen - and also a bit bossy. The other day she went with Daddy to Home Depot and Dad was having trouble locating what he needed. She told him, "Dad. We have to find a manager. A manager can help you!" When he didn't respond, she took it upon herself to walk to the end of the aisle and find someone who could help. When Dad looked up, she was talking to a customer explaining the situation. Later, after Dad called her back to him, she wandered to the other end of the aisle and started motioning for someone to please come help her Daddy! :-)