Saturday, August 11, 2012

She's Five!

Ariel came to town today, all the way from Disney (according to my daughter).  She was a suprise that Daddy fished out of the neighborhood clubhouse parking lot about 30 minutes into Little Miss "C"'s 5th birthday party.  We had a fun time celebrating five years with a Little Mermaid Pool Party and all the fun stuff that went along with it!

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Here we are - two more birthdays down and one about-to-be-in-4-days!  Summer has been much busier than I'd planned.  We started the month visiting our Pop & Gran in South Georgia.  Little Miss "C" had a HUGE time loving on their four new puppies!  Mommy loved getting away from the pesky gnats in the pool.  Brother just had fun outside and in...playing whever and wherever. 
  Kiddos helped decorate cupcakes for our family birthday celebration = lots of sprinkles!
 Riding the Pig Train was a favorite pasttime.  Notice the white tissues hanging from kids' heads?  In order to keep the gnats out of our faces, we had to have dryer sheets (Bounce, specifically...Downy doesn't work) hanging from our hats/visors/etc. 

We spent many mornings tending to our plot in the local community garden.  Little Miss "C"'s Cherry Tomato plant is the winner of the garden, producing lots of fruit.  We got three or four HUGE zuchinni and some cucumbers before our cucumber plant bit the dust.  Still have a few Okra producing and two eggplants in their beginning stages.  But by far the most beautiful things to come out of our garden were our ginormous sunflowers!!!

 Let me tell you...this almost-five-year-old wears a crown almost every day of her life, and many days a princess dress as well.  She's soooooo excited about her upcoming birthday and we'll celebrate with Ariel, The Little Mermaid at the pool.