Sunday, July 5, 2009

Home At Last!

WARNING: Don't put a vase of flowers (which are supported with water) near a laptop at the hospital. People pushing baby carriers around might knock down said vase and spill water onto nearby laptop - flooding the keyboard and causing technical difficulties!

Sorry for the delayed news!
We came home on Saturday July 4th. The baby was allowed to leave the Transitional Nursery on July 3rd and our pediatrician thought he looked really good on Saturday so we all were released home.

The baby is in his "eat, sleep, poop" stage and he's mostly quiet and sleeping. Little Miss "C" has been fantastic with him and enjoys "holding" him in her lap, checking out all his parts and this morning trying to help with his bottle. Of course, she's inundated with attention from all of her Grandparents, so she's in heaven right now and not feeling at all de-throned (yet). Some dear friends even sent her a new baby doll that coos and sucks on a bottle and makes baby noises, so she's had her own baby to look after since yesterday.

Wendy's parents are here for the week to help us transition, and Daryl's dad Jerry & his wife Carolyn came up Saturday and were with us overnight too. We were blessed with two meals from friends yesterday, which we've thoroughly enjoyed - and which have eliminated the hassles of trying to cook AND settle everyone back in at the same time.

Can't wait to post new photos. Upon returning home and looking at our own newborn photos, the Baby is a spitting image of Wendy's newborn photo (without the 1960's requisite mohawk hairstyle). It's amazing how much we look alike - so world, watch out!!!


  1. So happy for you all! A certain lady, who loved you both very much, must surely be looking down from heaven smiling and saying "Glory! What a precious family!" I pray God's continued blessings on you. Love you! Elaine

  2. I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing well and back home! Great pictures of Caroline holding Ben. Hope to see the little guy soon!

  3. I can't wait to see him! Glad to hear all are doing well!

