Tuesday, June 1, 2010

11 Months

It's really unbelievable - even more so when you know it's your last baby who is about to have a full year under his belt! In 29 days we'll celebrate one year...and I'm blessed with a son who is beautiful inside and out.

The child has chosen not to crawl yet. In fact, when he is placed on all fours he pushes himself back into a seated position and proceeds to SCOOT - everywhere. That's a first for me, but I guess as long as he can get around... The most telling part of scooting all over my hardwood is that the appearance of the bottom of his clothing at the end of a day clearly reveals the cleanliness (or lack thereof) of my floors. Ugh...

He is being pretty stubborn about eating. He's graduated to cheerios, but won't even open his mouth for pieces of soft cheese, carrots and pears that I've placed on his high chair tray. He just swipes them away. In the same light, he won't consider drinking his formula from a sippy cup. Water is OK...but don't dare put formula in the cup! Funny...he's so laid back and able to entertain himself for hours, yet when it comes to some things he's picky and stubborn. Hmmm...guess I'm not stressing too much about the food thing because I don't know many boys who don't eventually eat you out of house and home!

Ben loves is big sister and follows her everywhere. He gets so excited when she comes into a room! She, in turn, trys to close doors to get her privacy. Ben has taken on the challenge and become very interested in pushing doors open and closed. The only problem is when he closes himself behind one (like closing himself in my dark closet and sitting behind the door so I had to push him across the carpet with the door to get him out). Never a dull moment!

1 comment:

  1. Time is flying by! We are a month behind you and I can't believe how quickly our "babies" will be 1!! Colin isn't crawling either but he sure can get where he wants to go!
