Friday, November 26, 2010

With Thanks

I sat down last night and wrote a letter to both of my kids, telling them just how thankful and blessed I am to be their Mommy.  It may not feel like it in the moment sometimes, but they truly are a special and long-awaited gift.  Here are some photos from our November  - can't believe it's been a month since we posted some! 
Little Miss "C" loves her whiteboard - here's another fun drawing!  She enjoys making pictures for our grandparents and sending them in the mail, too.
 Ben with "B" in his mouth...typical day in the life!
 All dressed up and enjoying a beautiful Fall day outside.
 Funny little man...he's just learned how to say, "One....Two....Threeeeeee!"  Also, "Thomas" is a new favorite and he thinks Thomas (the Train) must be on TV all the time.
 Me and my beautiful baby girl enjoying Thanksgiving with Daddy's family on Thursday.


  1. Wendy - you look great! I always enjoy seeing pictures of you guys - Daryl looks terrific, and your kids are so super cute. Tell Daryl hello for me, and Henry and I think of you guys often. Go Gators! (for Daryl- please pass it on).

  2. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We love watching Caroline and Ben grow up. Thanks so much for sharing with us. Would love to see you all in person. Think of you often. Hope everyone is well and happy. Love you all!
