Friday, January 18, 2013

I Want to Be Your Cousin

Sooner or later every Mom will have her heart broken a bit by her Son.  Tonight mine did.  :-(  But I'll make myself feel better and justify it by remembering that he's 3 years old, for Pete's sake, and doesn't really know what he's talking about.  Here's the story:

My kiddos are going to stay with their cousins tomorrow for a few hours.  When my Son found out he was included (last time his Sister got to go by herself and have a spend-the-night with her cousins) he was elated! He told me that he wanted to spend "ten days" with his cousins and sleep and "have mornings" at their house...therefore he needed to take his sleeping bag.   I was OK with that and told him he'd have to ask his Aunt for permission.  Then about an hour later he announced that one day he wants to go LIVE at his cousins house and "be your cousin, Mom..and my name will be Jack.  I can visit you, but I will live there."  Heartbreak....

Maybe it was the paper mache project that did me in with him.  Earlier today Super Mom and Super Teacher decided that we needed to make paper mache models of the Earth and the Sun to go along with school.  My boy took one feel of the paper mache glue and wanted to have nothing further to do with it.  Little Miss "C" pressed on to get her Earth done, but guess who was left to finish the project alone?  Maybe I'm just getting in touch with my inner kid or something.  :-)

Here's some of what's been happening around here.
Drawing on the Easel
 Trying out the flapper look at bedtime (she slept in that sequined headband and had a few pink spots on her forehead the next AM that took days to disappear).
 Crayola Bath Crayons...awesome
 Hee...hee...look at me.  (one of the FEW pics my Son will allow me to take where HE is the subject).  Tonight we used a flashlight to watch the "hole at the bottom of the potty" while he peed and flushed - oh the imagination and curiosity God gave this kiddo!
 Little Miss "C" and her step-by-step tutorial on how to draw a smiley face heart
 Daddy took his Girl to Build-A-Bear this week!

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