Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Home is a No-Go
So he'll stay at the hospital for now - and he's not really excited about the prospect. He just wants to be home...any of us could understand....yet needs to be here. We'll explore the possibility of him going home with the IV once we see how it goes. The hope is that as his stomach gets better he'll be able to keep down liquids and make some progress.
Monday, April 27, 2009
EGD News
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Scoping the Stomach Tomorrow
Heave Ho
What's going on? Not sure. Drs want to do an Upper GI to be sure everything is passing through his system OK, but Daryl knew he wouldn't be able to keep the radioactive stuff down long enough to run the test - so it's postponed.
I'm wondering if this nausea/vomiting thing is a typical complication with Whipples, as one of the patients on our floor at Hopkins was there 3-weeks post-op because she couldn't keep food down.
It's hard to see the forest being down in the trees right now. Please pray not only for answers and resolution physically, but also for encouragement that Daryl would somehow hold on to the hope that this is only a small fraction of time. Will let you know what we find out today, as I should be with him most of the afternoon.
Thanks ya'll....
Friday, April 24, 2009
ERs & Hail Storms
So Daryl continued to feel bad after his episode Monday night, and after a few more bouts with nausea, vomiting, fever/chills, etc. we decided to head over to the hospital for some tests to see what's up. He's being very well taken care of. I think just getting some fluids has made some difference. So the plan is to do a few more tests and see if we can figure out what's happening.
Frustrating after having had such a great weekend only 5 days go, yet not unexpected to be dealing with a few bumps in the road after such a major procedure. We'll keep you posted...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Yes, We're Still Going to "Post" Updates
Just as a reminder, Daryl started out (prior to surgery) around 195 lbs, ballooned up to the 230's with fluids while in the hospital, and is now down around 170. Quite a shock to his sytem and part of the reason his energy level/stamina are rather low.
He had a few really good days over the weekend, getting out for a few errands with me and helping a friend do a little work in our front yard. He was even able to go to church for the 1st time since he's been home. They were good days.
Monday night he had an epidsode of illness, probably due to food he'd eaten before bed. That impacted his energy level yesterday and was a bit of a setback. So, as before, it's two steps forward and then one step back.
We are blessed with friends who have called and stopped by to keep him in touch with the rest of the world. He's talking on the phone to work colleagues and anxious to get back to doing something interesting with his time instead of sitting/laying around the house in recovery mode.
I'm hoping his food intake will increase and that his body will get the nutrients it needs on such a small quantity of food. And hopefully the warmer weather this week will give him the right environment to get out and walk some more to build up his stamina.
Your continued prayers are coveted - we're still "in this"!!! Love to all -
Friday, April 10, 2009
Home Sweet Home
You all have been so good to us with your encouraging words and the cards that were sent. I really dont know how to express our thankfulness. There were many nights in the hospital that your words and prayers helped us through them. Those days and nights may have just been the worst of my entire life. Thank you so much for seeing and praying for us through them. You have no idea how dark some them were.
I really want to dedicate this blog to my wonderful bride. Many of you already know how special she is, but really only know the half of it. I am sure that some of those nights with me brought back memories for her. Most of you dont know, but eleven or twelve years ago, she lost a gentlemen that she was engaged to due to respiratory complications from lymphoma in a Unversity Hospital setting. So, those days and nights of my shortness of breath were a struggle for her. The only difference was that here lay her husband complaining of the shortness of breath while he would"encourage" the Resident Physicians to do chest xrays and give "40 IV Lasix" to get the fluid off the lungs. Of course, the short order of it all was noted in the prior blogs.
Wendy was the real trooper. Here she is 26 weeks pregnant, sleeping at the bedside in a rather uncomfortable chair that is supposed to make out to a bed with a husband that is occassionally "challenging" the Residents -- while hallucinating about some old lady coming out of the wall and why the picture frames on the wall had a better brand of martial arts than him-- beating him up during night (effects of the meds). Go figure. She was there with me through the pain and the nausea. She helped me bathe and assisted me in the middle of the night with bathroom issues. She made sure that all of my needs were met and then some. Even when she needed a break, she made sure that a family member was there for me. She cried with me and prayed with me. She was the voice in the dark of the night that when I barely grunted or sighed different, she would ask "are you ok, honey?" She was my partner in this battle : My wonderful wife and beautiful bride. I love her so much and thank my God for having her in my life for such a time as this.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Delta = Home
Thank you to our dear friends who have provided buddy passes enabling Dad and Daryl to fly home with some flexibility. We're hopeful they'll be able to get on their flight as planned and spend as little time as possible sitting on the plane and in the airport.
We will post again (I'll have Daryl do it this time!) once he's home and rested. God Bless...
Sunday, April 5, 2009
So before I left Baltimore I asked the Surgeon point blank - if the benign tumor had been left in, could it have changed and become malignant/metastatic? His answer was a quick and certain "yes." By removing the tumor, Daryl has been cured surgically while the tumor was still benign...before it had a chance to grow and spread (metasticize) to the lymph nodes or grow into other areas of the pancreas. Leaving it in would have left Daryl at a high risk for a metastatic diagnosis down the road.
So, as horrible as this experience has been for him, it was necessary and curative. I think he has to keep reminding himself of that every day!!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Don't ask me what happened between yesterday and today to change things around...I'm not sure, but I'm sure not asking questions!
He is planning on spending the next 2-3 days at the hotel in Baltimore with a follow-up visit to the Surgeon on Tuesday to have his final two drains removed. If all goes well, Delta may bring him home to us on Wednesday. We'll keep you posted.Friday, April 3, 2009
Pushed Back Again
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Still a Bumpy Road
Here I sit at home - torn to pieces because I want to be in both places and know both need me. I know this too shall pass - just one of those steps back. He's still focused on trying to be released tomorrow...maybe being out of the hospital environment will help in and of itself. So we'll see what his surgical team says when they round in the morning.
On a positive note, as I was walking down the hallway to leave for the airport Daryl's friend Forrest was walking towards his room for a totally unexpected visit! His timing couldn't have been more perfect. Daryl wishes he'd felt good and been better company, but just to see a familiar face was "good medicine." Thanks, Forrest, for your time and effort to make Daryl's day special!
There's a Light at the End of this Tunnel
And, as is typical, with this good news has come a morning of nausea....always something.
But we'll take the good news and make plans accordingly. He'll probably have a follow-up appointment next Tuesday with the Surgeon to have another drain or two removed, and then be released to return home hopefully on Wednesday.
Will keep you updated - I'm on my way home this evening.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Another CT Scan at "Hotel Hopkins"
Daryl had a great day yesterday. He dressed in his own clothes complete with the requisite ball cap and enjoyed some Internet time, computer games with my brother, reading your Get Well cards, etc. He started the IV antibiotic and we expected that "things" were looking up.
Last night around 7:00 the sweats/chills and cramping came back with a vengance after seemingly having disappeared two days back. An on-call surgeon came in the middle of the night and ordered another blood workup to be sure there's no infection in the blood. The weird thing is that Daryl never has a temperature during these "episodes" so the nurses aren't quite sure what to think.
This morning Daryl's surgical team has ordered another CT of the abdomen to look for any other potential abnormalities with the drainage tubes that are still in place. One of the drains continues to contain consistent puss, which they have assured us is the likely source of the infection. The Surgeon himself came in this morning and reassured Daryl that the antibiotic had not had enough time, that things should be getting better, and that the CT is just precautionary.
I'm sure you can "hear" it in my words....everything seems to be dragging out, his 6-10 day hospital stay now at 12 and counting. Daryl really wants to check out of Hotel Hopkins!
I'm listening to all of you and am clinging to your encouragement. Tomorrow I go home and I hate to do it - yet know I need to get Little Miss "C" her Mommy back. The Lord can take care of all the details and I pray He will, whether I have to return here or whether someone else may be able to come up and help my Dad if Daryl's discharge continues to be delayed. So again, wish I could come up with a stronger word than "thank you" to express how critically important and treasured your prayer support is and has been. We love you -