Sunday, April 26, 2009

Heave Ho

From what I understand, Daryl battled nausea just about all day yesterday. He's the type who wants to crawl into a cave and be left alone when he's sick, so Little Miss "C" and I were at home most of the day until late afternoon when she went to play and I visited the hospital. By that time he was on 3 different anti-nausea IV drips trying to get something to work. One of them pretty much knocked him out, so I came home to bed.

What's going on? Not sure. Drs want to do an Upper GI to be sure everything is passing through his system OK, but Daryl knew he wouldn't be able to keep the radioactive stuff down long enough to run the test - so it's postponed.

I'm wondering if this nausea/vomiting thing is a typical complication with Whipples, as one of the patients on our floor at Hopkins was there 3-weeks post-op because she couldn't keep food down.

It's hard to see the forest being down in the trees right now. Please pray not only for answers and resolution physically, but also for encouragement that Daryl would somehow hold on to the hope that this is only a small fraction of time. Will let you know what we find out today, as I should be with him most of the afternoon.

Thanks ya'll....

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