Friday, April 24, 2009

ERs & Hail Storms

Does anyone else hate the feeling of being inside a building in a windowless room and hearing a horrible storm pummeling the roof? You just HAVE to find a way to a window and see for yourself what's happening outside - and if you can't find out, it's very unnerving. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you last evening at the hospital ER! What a storm - I'm still waiting to really "check out" the hood and roof of the car to see if there was any damage.

So Daryl continued to feel bad after his episode Monday night, and after a few more bouts with nausea, vomiting, fever/chills, etc. we decided to head over to the hospital for some tests to see what's up. He's being very well taken care of. I think just getting some fluids has made some difference. So the plan is to do a few more tests and see if we can figure out what's happening.

Frustrating after having had such a great weekend only 5 days go, yet not unexpected to be dealing with a few bumps in the road after such a major procedure. We'll keep you posted...

1 comment:

  1. we totally saw the hail storm too and then I heard an alarm going off so we got in the bathroom and away from the big window!!
    I hope he feel better this weekend. Still praying.
