Friday, April 10, 2009

Home Sweet Home

(Directly from Daryl, forgive any typos) Yes, I made it home, Thanks be to God. It is so good to see trees and green stuff again instead of buildings, concrete and yellow taxis. The pain is slowing improving but still with occassional reminders that my insides have been re-worked. It still requires pain meds. I have lost alot of weight with this thing, more than I ever expected--- even Caroline can eat more than I can at a single setting at present. That should improve over time.

You all have been so good to us with your encouraging words and the cards that were sent. I really dont know how to express our thankfulness. There were many nights in the hospital that your words and prayers helped us through them. Those days and nights may have just been the worst of my entire life. Thank you so much for seeing and praying for us through them. You have no idea how dark some them were.

I really want to dedicate this blog to my wonderful bride. Many of you already know how special she is, but really only know the half of it. I am sure that some of those nights with me brought back memories for her. Most of you dont know, but eleven or twelve years ago, she lost a gentlemen that she was engaged to due to respiratory complications from lymphoma in a Unversity Hospital setting. So, those days and nights of my shortness of breath were a struggle for her. The only difference was that here lay her husband complaining of the shortness of breath while he would"encourage" the Resident Physicians to do chest xrays and give "40 IV Lasix" to get the fluid off the lungs. Of course, the short order of it all was noted in the prior blogs.
Wendy was the real trooper. Here she is 26 weeks pregnant, sleeping at the bedside in a rather uncomfortable chair that is supposed to make out to a bed with a husband that is occassionally "challenging" the Residents -- while hallucinating about some old lady coming out of the wall and why the picture frames on the wall had a better brand of martial arts than him-- beating him up during night (effects of the meds). Go figure. She was there with me through the pain and the nausea. She helped me bathe and assisted me in the middle of the night with bathroom issues. She made sure that all of my needs were met and then some. Even when she needed a break, she made sure that a family member was there for me. She cried with me and prayed with me. She was the voice in the dark of the night that when I barely grunted or sighed different, she would ask "are you ok, honey?" She was my partner in this battle : My wonderful wife and beautiful bride. I love her so much and thank my God for having her in my life for such a time as this.



  1. Daryl, we are so glad the surgery is past and you are home and recovering - reading what you wrote made me cry first thing this morning - trusting each day will see improvement - looking forward to Benjamin's arrival - blessings, lynn

  2. Alright Daryl we are going to rumble when i see you. That blog was so moving it brought tears to my eyes and you know I don't like that :) Seriously that was beautiful. I am so proud of you and Wendy. You both have helped each other get through, hopefully, what will be the darkest days you guys will see. God has blessed you in so many ways. I feel so privileged that you guys allowed me to follow you through this experience. It has helped me deal with my fears and concerns for you both by directing me towards the needed prayers. God has truly shown how his presence, compassion, and healing powers can get you through the darkest days. You still have a ways to go. Be patient and trust in God. He will get you there. My prayers continue. Take care and please call if you need anything.

  3. Daryl, As you know we have been following daily and with lots of worry and concern for you. We love you here at Cobb RT and want to see you back soon. The tears, smiles, and laughter at Wendys words must have been heard all the way to your hospital bed. God bless Wendy and you. Take care and get well very soon. Debbie C.

  4. Daryl & Wendy: Your blog has been such a blessing and oh my goodness- We needed a kleenex warning on the last one. Praising God for all of His many blessings. Thanking you both for allowing us to pray for you each and everyday and knowing that GOD IS GOOD!!! Have a wonderful EASTER.
    Love, Kim :-)

  5. Well Hallelujah and Glory to Our God! Daryl and Wendy, while we are not on top of our Techie game completely, we do want you to know we have kept up with the goings on daily from Terry C and others and are so excited to hear the good news and especially that you're now home....Praise The Lord! I have heard turkeys gobbling the past two days Daryl so you still have time to get a couple before the season ends I'm sure...but I bet Ms. Wendy would "break your neck" if you tried to do anything like that now...ha!
    God Bless and we look forward to seeing y'all soon. Wendy, both girls and hubbies are here today for Easter, both showing and both having girls; Shoshana Grace and Avery...I think are the latest names....can't wait to see y'all!

    gary and ella

  6. How good it is to hear you are home and improving! I just have read it, I have been having computer "issues". What a great Easter gift and what a touching tribute to Wendy. Praise God! And Happy Easter!

    Mary Ann & Bill

  7. Daryl ... it's great to have you home. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Take your time ... heal like you should. And yes, you got a good one when it comes to the bride selection! We love your family and look forward to visiting with you when you're more comfortable.

  8. Daryl - so glad you are home!!! We will continue to pray for you and your recovery. Hope you will feel much better very soon!!! Look forward to seeing you soon! AND YES, YOU HAVE AN AMAZING WIFE...but I already knew that!!!!
