Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Air Travel Amazes Me

Sometimes the speed and convenience of air travel amaze me. I mean, Daryl got up at 5a.m., flew to Baltimore and made a 10a.m. appointment, and was home again by 4p.m. Unbelieveable....thank you, Delta!

Daryl's follow-up visit with the Surgeon went well - no more follow-up needed unless he has serious complications moving forward. The Surgeon does want Daryl to have another specialized Scan in 6 months and then six months after that to watch for any additional tumor growth. Then yearly scans for 5 years beyond those. So we'll look for a place (hopefully closer to home) which has the capability to perform the Scan. And Daryl will decide if he really wants more radiation in his body.....

Now he has to concentrate on building strength and stamina so he can return to work and prepare to help me take care of a toddler and a newborn-to-be! 6 weeks and counting until my due date.

We'll continue to post updates as our lives move forward, so stick around okay? We love you all for the way you've supported us through the hardest of times. Still much healing to take place, but we've had answered prayer after answered prayer...and for that, we are blessed and humbly thankful.


  1. Hey, bet we passed you in the airport somewhere! We were returning from Maui at 5:30 this morning on Delta and were in the airport until aprox. 8 am. We are so thankful for all that God has done to bring you all thru this. We are praying and expecting total healing for you! Can't wait to spoil the new little Abney. Hope his birthday is July 5. :-) Love you guys! Elaine

  2. Good report - now keep us posted with cute baby pix! love you guys - ls

  3. Yeah! Glad the trip went well. Look forward to more fun times with little Miss "C" and fun cuddle times with little mister "B".

    The Bushes

  4. Daryl and Wendy - I can't begin to tell you how wonderful it was to see you in church this morning! It made my heart soar. As we've followed your ups and downs over these many months, looking back helps us see how faithful our awesome God is. Daryl you are incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful wife, and she is equally blessed to have you! Having watched you over the years, I just have to smile at it all... wife and two kids ... you did it!! What a beautiful family. Now, keep yourself healthy and enjoy the gifts God has given you.
    Wendy - you have a great guy. How awesome you have been during all of this. And thank you so much for keeping us informed on what's going on. So glad Daryl is home now and praying that he will continue to get stronger every day. Can't wait to see little Benjamin. Hope you'll be posting pictures soon.
    love and blessings. -p
