Monday, May 18, 2009

One Last Shower with the PICC Line

Daryl's PICC line is to be removed today - YEY! When I was wrapping his arm for a shower, Little Miss "C" requested her arm to be wrapped as well. Just had to snap a shot of the two of them.

Daryl is still eating and managing to keep it all down. There is definitely discomfort & pain at times. Still has a long way to go as his body gets "re-conditioned" - walking, exercising, etc. Poor guy hasn't driven a car since March 17th! He's traveling next Tuesday the 26th to Baltimore for the day for his follow-up appointment with the Surgeon. It will be a long day, flying up and back on the same day, so please be in prayer for his strength and pain as we approach next Tuesday. Thanks!


  1. Absolutely Priceless!!! Glad you are improving!!
    Still praying and hope to see you soon!

  2. OK, this picture makes me smile for two reasons. ONE: Daryl, you look great and it's awesome to see a smile on your face. TWO: Those Georgia hats! I mean ... come on! They should put a smile on anybody's face!! Awesome that the PICC line was to come out today, and we're praying that the discomfort just plain out GOES AWAY! And that the trip up next week is uneventful, but a good follow-up with the surgeon.

  3. that picture says a lot. sweet little C. glad to hear that the line came out yest.
