Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Status Quo

For those of you still "following" our progress through healing, thought I'd do an update for the week. And thank you for your continued prayers...at the end of this post are a few specifics for the week to come.

Daryl had 7 days of TPN (IV nutrition) which ended Monday. He did well on it and the doctor doesn't forsee any need to do it again, but his PICC line will remain in place for another 5 days just in case.

Every day brings good and bad. Daryl still has a lot of "tightening" in his stomach area, along with some pain. The TPN gave him so much nutrition that he ate very little each day, but he DID keep the food down.

Now the goal is to have 6 small "meals" a day and try to keep his calorie count up. He is also very weak from just having been laid-up for so long, but he's been trying to do something each day that demands a little effort in order to build back his strength and stamina.

One funny story from last week. Daryl and I cut up one of his socks to use around his arm to hold his long IV lines in place during the day when he wasn't hooked up to the IV. Well, Little Miss "C" woke up one morning last week and when I took socks over to put on her feet she held up her hands and said, "hands." She wanted to wear socks on her arms like Daddy...and proceeded to walk around the house for at least an hour with the socks over her hands and arms! She loves her Daddy.

Those of you who are praying for Daryl, here's how you can pray specifically:
  • Increased appetite and intake of food
  • Decreased "tightness" and pain
  • Increased stamina
  • Positive outlook despite the very slow progress

As always, thanks and God Bless!


  1. Thanks for the update. We like having specifics to pray for!


  2. Glad to hear some improvement. Thanks so much for the update. We have been looking daily but did not want to interrupt your hectic days by pressing. You are in our prayers daily. It helps to know specifics. You are wonderful to keep us informed. Love and prayers, Elaine

  3. Hey guys ... we hope you have a very uneventful weekend, yet filled with progress, rest, and healing!

